Data Science - Complete Developer Pack

Data Science - Complete Developer Pack

Data Science - Complete Developer Pack

Free Course - Data Science - Complete Developer Pack 2020

Buy Amazing Data Science Deal at a Discounted Rate at Eduonix
Instructors: John Bura, Minerva Singh, Eduonix Learning Solutions

Why This Deal 
Data currently rules the Digital world. We are currently drowning in huge amounts of data produced every day and people who actually understand the science behind data are in a high demand. Become a Data Scientist by learning Data science concepts and its practical application in both Python and R. This unique bundle will cover all the important concepts which are feasible for both beginner and advanced users.

 Course 1: Hands-On Image Recognition: Python Data Science Bootcamp
 Course 2: Data Science:Data Mining & Natural Language Processing in R
 Course 3: Text Mining and Natural Language Processing in R
 Course 4: Introduction To Data Science Using R Programming

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