Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features, -Downloading and Installing Python 3.8 -Walrus Operator -Position Only Operator -F string support -isqrt function
Instructor: Kumail Raza
Enroll Now - > Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features
About this Course
New Features in Python 3.8 In this course, you will have an understanding of some the exciting new features in Python 3.8
Downloading and Installing Python 3.8
Walrus Operator
Position Only Operator
F string support
isqrt function
Continue with finally
Enroll Now - > Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features
Iterator Unpacking
Reversed dictionary
Syntax warning
You will definitely love this course because it is simple, easy and takes you levels ahead in python programming without even noticing :)
Enroll Now - > Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features