Kali Linux hacker tools, tricks and techniques

Kali Linux hacker tools, tricks and techniques

Kali Linux hacker tools, tricks and techniques

Kali Linux hacker tools, tricks and techniques, Learn Kali linux foundational skills to work flawlessly. A beginner course for ethical hackers who is new for Kali Linux
Last Updated:10/2021 English (India) Instructor: Atul Tiwari
Skills: Kali Linux Information Security, Ethical Hacking


ENROLL NOW - >  Kali Linux hacker tools, tricks and techniques 

About this Course

Kali Linux for new comer in cyber security field, is the most important course for you if you are going to make your career in cybersecurity. Because, Kali Linux is most advanced and foremost used platform for the Penetration testers, ethical hackers, security analysts, bug bounty hunters, security administrators and so on.

[+] Course at a glance

This course has been structured into several part for ease of understanding and following the path to become the advanced user of Kali Linux.

1. Basic informations and internals of kali linux

2. Kali Linux internal tools and commands

3. Bash shell scripting

4. Kali terminals usages

5. File permissions and directories structures

6. Boolean expressions and working with them

7. Working with commands and shortcuts in hacker style

8. Finding and locating hidden files and managing processes

9. structured courseware for beginners

10.  Best tools and tips with techniques

All of Best tools, tips and techniques have been designed in such a fashion that even new people to this domain can understand it easily.


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